The current list of participating healthcare providers covers 22 EU Member States and Norway.
Below you will find their names and their expertise in one or more thematic groups of genturis: Schwannomatosis and neurofibromatosis (SWN&NF), Lynch and polyposis (Lynch&PP), Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) and other rare genturis (Other).
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Innsbruck |
SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Vienna |
These HCPs are Affiliated Partners of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Austria: Katharina Wimmer
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Brussels | HBOC | |
Ghent |
Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Leuven |
SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Liege |
National coordinator Belgium: Robin de Putter, Ghent
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Nicosia |
Archbishop Makarios III Hospital; Karaiskakio Foundation; Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics |
This HCP is an Affiliated Partner of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Cyprus: Violetta Anastasiadou
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Prague |
Brno |
Lynch&PP, HBOC |
National coordinator Czech Republic: Lenka Foretová, Brno
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Aarhus | Aarhus Universitetshospital |
SWN&NF, HBOC, Other |
Copenhagen | Rigshospitalet |
SWN&NF, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Denmark: Karin Wadt, Copenhagen
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Tartu | Tartu University Hospital | HBOC |
This HCP is an Affiliated Partner of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Estonia: Tiina Kahre, Tartu
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Helsinki | GENTURISFINSN consortium (HUS Helsinki University Hospital and OYS Oulu University Hospital) | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Turku | The Hospital District of Southwest Finland, Turku University Hospital | SWN&NF |
National coordinator Finland: Maria Haanpää, Turku
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Paris | Institut Curie | HBOC |
Rouen | Rouen University Hospital | Lynch&PP, HBOC |
National coordinator France: Claude Houdayer, Rouen
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Bonn | Center for Hereditary Tumor Syndromes (CHT), University Hospital Bonn | Lynch&PP, Other |
Dresden | Hereditary Cancer Syndrome Center Dresden | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Erlangen | Universitätsklinikum Erlangen | HBOC |
Hamburg | Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC |
Hannover | Medizinische Hochschule Hannover | HBOC |
Munich | Medizinisch Genetisches Zentrum | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Germany: Elke Holinski-Feder, Munich
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Athens | Aghia Sophia Children's Hospital | SWN&NF |
National coordinator Greece: Antonis Kattamis, Athens
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Pécs | University of Pécs | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Hungary: Béla Melegh, Pécs
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Bologna | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Milan | Fondazione IRCCS CA'Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico | SWN&NF |
Milan | Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori | Lynch&PP |
Milan | Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta | SWN&NF |
Padua | Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova | SWN&NF |
Parma | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma | SWN&NF, HBOC |
Rome | Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Rome | IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù | SWN&NF |
Siena | Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Senese | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Italy: Maurizio Genuardi, Rome
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Riga | Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital | HBOC |
National coordinator Latvia: Arvids Irmejs, Riga
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Vilnius | Vilniaus universiteto ligoninės Santaros klinikos | Lynch&PP, HBOC |
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Luxembourg | Centre Hospitalier du Luxembourg |
This HCP is an Affiliated Partner of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Luxembourg: Philippe Theis
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Msida | Mater Dei Hospital |
This HCP is an Affiliated Partner of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Malta: Christian Scerri
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Amsterdam | Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek | Lynch&PP, HBOC |
Groningen | University Medical Center Groningen | Lynch&PP, HBOC |
Leiden | Leiden University Medical Center | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Nijmegen | Radboud university medical center | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Rotterdam | Erasmus Medical Center | SWN&NF1, Lynch&PP, HBOC |
Coordinator ERN GENTURIS & National coordinator Netherlands: Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Nijmegen
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Bergen | Haukeland University Hospital | Lynch&PP, HBOC |
This HCP is an Affiliated Partner of ERN GENTURIS
National coordinator Norway: Hildegunn Høberg-Vetti, Bergen
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Szczecin | Pomeranian Medical University - University Clinical Hospital no 1 | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Poland: Jan Lubinski, Szczecin
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Lisbon | Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil, EPE | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Porto | Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João - CHUSJ | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Porto | Porto Comprehensive Cancer Center | Other (HDGC) |
National coordinator Portugal: Carla Oliveira, Porto
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Ljubljana | Institute of Oncology Ljubljana | HBOC |
National coordinator Slovenia: Mateja Krajc, Ljubljana
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Barcelona | Hospital Germans Trias I Pujol - lnstitut Catala d'Oncologia | SWN&NF, Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
Barcelona |
National coordinator Spain: Ignacio Blanco Guillermo, Hospital Germans Trias I Pujol
City |
Name of Healthcare Provider |
Expertise in |
Stockholm | Karolinska University Hospital | Lynch&PP, HBOC, Other |
National coordinator Sweden: Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz, Stockholm