202104 Online course “Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to Research and back”
This online course is a joint effort from several EJP RD Work Package 16 partners, in particular ERN ITHACA (represented by Prof Laurence Faivre), ERN GENTURIS (represented by Dr Chrystelle Colas) and FFRD (Roseline Favresse).
While primarily designed for medical students and PhD students/post-docs in biomedical sciences, this course will also be of interest to Patient Advocacy Organisations’ representatives, Healthcare professionals and paramedics who want to further their knowledge of rare diseases diagnosis.
Registration for the first run of the course is available from 26 April - 5 July 2021. Following this date, you can still register your interest to follow the course in the next run (that will start on 4th October). In 2022 and 2023, the course will be held again.
More information here: https://www.ejprarediseases.org/course-diagnosing-rare-diseases-from-the-clinic-to-research-and-back/