201604 1st course in Hereditary Cancer Genetics, Bertinoro
10-13 April 2016, Bertinoro, Italy
The 1st Spring Course in Hereditary Cancer Genetics took place on 10-13 April 2016, in Bertinoro, Italy. This course was organized prior to the founding of ERN GENTURIS by experts that later became members of ERN GENTURIS. The following courses in the same series are all considered ERN GENTURIS courses, which is why this first course was also included.
Date: April 10-13, 2016
Location: Bertinoro, Italy
Directors: N. Hoogerbrugge, D. Turchetti
Organisers: C. Oliveira, H. Høberg-Vetti, S. Bajalica Lagercrantz, G. Evans, E. Holinski-Feder, S. Hodgson, R. Sijmons, U. Kristoffersson, M. Morak, M. Ligtenberg, M. Schiavi, R. Partisani, J. Bazzoli and G. Romeo
For more information, see the flyer and programme